Expose yourself to the world



If you came so far, I already know something about you- you have one exquisite taste, when it comes to Women. I am a Swedish Music Manager, with a long and well established career. Not exactly your classic brainless Barbie so, if that's what you're looking for, you might want to stop reading now. I have a deep passion for Dominance. I see worship as a form of respect and rightly so - I've had it all my life. I know no other way to be in society than as the center of attention. You will, and that is not even debatable, address me as "My Goddess". Why? Because I like that. And that, is more than enough to you, are we clear? Let's see what you can bring to the table..I like my pups to be obedient, to materialize their fascination towards me in ways that I find useful. And, all girls like shinny things, isn't that right, my little one? Make sure to come to me as respectful as one can be. And never, ever, with empty hands. Get ready. You're about to enter one fascinating and dangerous trip.

Nothing yet.



We have been meaning to do this for awhile. We will be removing ALL members who are exposing others from the site. It will be a long process but we need to do this. We will also be deleting ALL posts up until this year. 

We just dont have the hard drive space on our servers to host it all. *Note, we do NOT charge for image removal!